About Us

The definition of consultation is providing somebody with tangible and concrete bits of advice about a subject that they have limited knowledge of. Our consultation is based on information and experience acquired throughout the years from a mix of hands-on experiences; we can use our expertise to provide you a fair price on the car or truck you are seeking.

Mr. Car Consultant can assure you the best and reliable information regarding leasing, financing and purchasing any vehicle you might wish. We will educate you about price (sticker, invoice, MSRP, mark-ups), trade-ins, pre-owned vs. new purchases, down payments, and loan terms including the impact of interest rates and credit scores. Also tips about specific dealerships and what to watch out for!

We have over 12 years of experience in the business. (finance and sales) for companies such as Honda, Toyota, Volkswagen, BMW, Audi, and Ford to name a few. We understand all kind of vehicles including commuter cars, hybrids, full electric, SUVs, commercial vans and heavy-duty trucks.

We are 100% confident that we can help you to save 100s if not 1,000s of dollars!

Let’s face it – its complicated and hard to know whom to trust when buying a vehicle; you don’t want to feel like someone put a big one over on you.

Mr. Car Consultant would like to save you money by working hard to earn your business with accurate and up-to-date information in the car & truck industry and tips to help you get the best price possible!

(Multilingual – fala Portugues, se habla Espanol)